Docker on mac arch type
Docker on mac arch type

Want to know how to configure? So, come with me! The “default file system” that Docker uses is quite slow in the Mac environment, for that reason, many dev’s used NFS. Solutionīrowsing the internet I saw that many people had this problem and everyone, almost unanimously, indicated using a file system called NFS (Network File System) when mapping their volumes. Friends who used it on Linux and Windows said it didn’t have this bottleneck and yes, I know that on Linux the stop runs smoother because Docker runs almost native there. For some time I was having serious problems with slowness both when loading the containers and also opening the projects in the browser.

docker on mac arch type

The ProblemĪs many here already know, I’m a web developer and I work mainly with PHP projects and their more known frameworks.

docker on mac arch type docker on mac arch type

Hey guys, how are you? Well, this is a very quick post about a problem I had been having with Docker on my Mac for a long time and which I FINALLY managed to solve after a long search on the internet.

Docker on mac arch type