Why was the cold war called the cold war main countries involved in the korean war
Why was the cold war called the cold war main countries involved in the korean war

why was the cold war called the cold war main countries involved in the korean war why was the cold war called the cold war main countries involved in the korean war

The UN condemned the attack and passed United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 82, calling for the cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of North Korean forces. June 25, 1950: North Korean forces crossed the 38 th Parallel and invaded South Korea.During the Korean War and the reconstruction period following the signing of the Armistice Agreement, twenty-two countries contributed either combat forces or medical assistance to support South Korea under the United Nations flag. United Nations Security Council Resolutions 83 and 84 provided the international legal authority for member states to restore peace on the Korean Peninsula, and they designated the United States as the leader of the unified command we know as UN Command. UNC signifies the world’s first attempt at collective security under the United Nations system. United Nations Command (UNC) was established on Jfollowing the United Nations' recognition of North Korean aggression against South Korea.

Why was the cold war called the cold war main countries involved in the korean war